Welcome to the MPTA Website!

The Missouri Physical Therapy Association (MPTA) was founded in 1949 as a Chapter of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) and represents physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students of physical therapy statewide in Missouri. The MPTA promotes excellence in the practice of physical therapy, responding to the unique needs of the public, physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, and students.


Our mission is to advance and promote the profession of physical therapy, in order to optimize movement and advocate for the physical health and functional abilities of all Missourians.


Donate to the PT-PAC of MO today to help protect your profession.  When you donate to the MPTA Political Action Committee (PAC) you are helping your profession to be visible in the legislative and political process.  Please support your PAC so your PAC can protect your profession. Click HERE to donate and to learn more about the PT-PAC of MO!







more Calendar

10/1/2024 » 1/31/2025
APTA MO Fall Educational Series - Tuesday night Zoom Recordings!

4/5/2025 » 4/6/2025
APTA MO '25 Spring Conference at Maryville University - STL

4/5/2025 » 4/6/2025
Copy of APTA MO '25 Spring Conference at Maryville University - STL

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